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About Camino

About Us


Bhansa Appliances Pvt. Ltd. Started its journey a year ago leaving its benchmark in Nepal as the first export although the origin is from North Kolkata, India, the tremendous response from Nepal against our extensive Digital Advertisements, stimulated us to move forward with all sincere effort and professionalism.
We took off with Appliances, like Kitchen Chimneys, Cooktops, Hobs, Air Purifiers, and Alkaline Water Pitcher. Our prime arena is to provide people with complete kitchen solutions, which can be catered under one roof. Gradually we moved towards the Sikkim, Nepal, Bhutan. Now we are glad to announce that we have triggered not only some major parts of West Bengal but also different places in the states like Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra, Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa by virtue of our Pan India section. We have spearheaded our business in the foreign sector such as Kazakhstan, Egypt, Lebanon, and UAE Russia and CIS countries, with the exports of Tea, Rice and Hardware (Power Tools). Bhansa Appliances Pvt. Ltd (BAPL) comprises of 45 people who are not only competent professionals but an enriched mechanism and expertise in their proficiency. We are accredited felicitated with the certification of ICC (Indian Chamber of Commerce), FIEO (Federation of Indian Export Organizations), MSME (Micro Small & Medium Enterprises) and INCC( Indo Nepal Chamber of Commerce).
Times of India gave us the opportunity to be their Channel Partner in a Carnival organized by them in Junction Mall, Durgapur. We extend our sincere gratitude to the dear customers, for their trust, support, love and overwhelming response which has developed Camino to be a brand, not only vibrant, cost- effective but at par with international standards. Some of our future products, the way of branding initiatives and R&D which are to be launched by the next two months are attached to this letter.
We are aggressive, transparent, user-friendly and work for the end users to satisfy their needs by serving the best quality with minimum price.
hope we have a healthy business relationship with two nations with pride. Feel free to call undersigned for any further clarification, we are available always to deliver your satisfaction.

About Our Products

In the modern global atmosphere, the environment of the house where not only adult, youth and old age people love to survive in healthy , neat and clean manner which means totally pollution free with special and extra care to the babies and children which means not only keeping the house free from germs but the most essential and important part is the place where food is cooked i.e, "The Word KITCHEN" to be perfect from the point of view to be defined as hygienic, non toxicated, free from inhaling gases which may skin itching gases comes from the daily cooking varieties. So what is to be done?
The best solution is the kitchen chimneys installed in the domestic, industrial as well as medical centers (hospital, nursing home etc) of proper specification and modulation which BHANSA APPLIANCES PVT LTD can do and give the support for today's kitchen without any pride and prejudices. As chimney are there for making the kitchen free from pollution similarly the BURNERS, COOKTOP AND HOBS help in the preparing the best possible food with less consumption of energy used for the cooking. So the consumption of raw materials and cooking medium gives controlled energy which sufficed towards the ultimate satisfaction of the family members with all sorts of confirmation.
As all the above are contributing to the best of the environment for the house but there is a major and most pivotal element which no way can be missed is the water purification without which nothing can be cooked nor can be drink as water is the life of living elements which is the universal truth, and as stated above, BHANSA APPLAINCES PVT LTD take the oath to give the healthy atmospheric life to all the human beings in this planet.
It will not be out of place to mention that the atmosphere contains some unpurified air like carbon di oxide, nitrogen and ultra violet rays which has to be controlled. But How? The one word for the same is AIR PURIFIER again which controls and commands from inhaling of toxicated air by detoxicating it.